
Learn more about the Poulsbo Fire Department and the various ways we work to plan, train, and respond to our community’s emergency needs.

Like many fire departments in the United States, the Poulsbo Fire Department has a long and proud history of volunteers serving our community. While we now have a primarily career staff, this history continues in our volunteer program, which is made up of dedicated community servants.


Our greatest need is for Basic Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), as approximately 75% of our responses deal with medical emergencies. During most of these we provide Basic Life Support (BLS) assistance and transport to the hospital.

The path to becoming an EMT-B is as demanding as any other college-level course. This class is 120+ hours in length and spans a time period of 6 to 8 weeks. Although most classes are held during evenings and weekends, some daytime classes may be available. The course is both academic and hands-on, including classroom instruction, high fidelity simulation training, clinical hospital rotations, and EMS service internships.

When new EMT-Bs complete training and have been certified by Washington State, they provide patient care under the supervision of Department Paramedics and EMTs until approved to provide care independently. Regular training is offered to all EMTs to provide a basis for recertification every three years.


Volunteer firefighters may also elect to attend specialized training to become a nationally certified Wildland Firefighter. In the past, our volunteers have responded statewide to wildland fires. Crewmembers are paid for their time by the requesting agency, the United States Forest Service, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), or by the Washington State Patrol as part of the State Mobilization Act.

The basic wildland firefighter course is held each spring and spans two weekends of academic instruction and practical hands-on training. Each firefighter must pass the “Pack Test,” a flat walk of 3 miles in 45 minutes with a 45 pound pack.


Benefits of volunteering include:

  • An opportunity to serve your community
  • Life and health insurance while on-duty
  • Retirement through Washington State Volunteer Firefighter Board
  • An opportunity to gain valuable skills in:
    • Emergency Medicine
    • Wildland Firefighting and Tender Support
    • Emergency Preparedness


  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Read, speak, and understand English to a sufficient level to meet operational requirements
  • High School Graduate or GED
  • Priority given in volunteer selection to those who reside within Kitsap County District # 18
  • Possess a valid driver license
  • Pass a comprehensive background check
  • Pass a fire service medical exam
  • Able and willing to train on Tuesday nights

Please fill out our prospective volunteer info sheet.

CHAPLAINcy program

The District maintains a strong chaplaincy program. Chaplains provide 24-hour coverage, providing grief counseling and emotional support to families and loved ones following a tragedy. While firefighters will provide initial support, chaplains are available to continue providing emotional care and support, information on funeral services, and help in contacting family members. Our chaplains provide support to all families regardless of religious affiliation; they ensure that no one is left to grieve alone.